B2 is pleased to be working with two new clients, the Florida Economic Development Council and Peerfit, as our agency continues to grow.
The Florida Economic Development Council provides leadership and vision to promote and foster smart growth throughout the state. We’re working to raise awareness of the important work being done by local economic development groups around the state, in close partnership with the Council and Enterprise Florida.
Our work involves explaining how economic incentives pay off for the state as businesses grow here, while also getting the word out about all the other ways EDCs help businesses, from finding real estate to meeting trade partners to navigating permitting processes.
Another new B2 client, Peerfit, provides an innovative digital platform that offers companies personalized solutions for workplace wellness. We’re working to raise awareness of Peerfit and how it helps companies cultivate a culture of fitness that improves the health and well-being of their teams.
Through Peerfit, employees select from a variety of fitness classes – from boot camp to barre to yoga – at fitness studios in their area that best fit their needs and schedules. They can also plug into Peerfit’s ready-built community of fitness guides for motivation and accountability, along with inviting friends and coworkers through Peerfit’s dashboard. This personalized approach drives greater employee engagement.
As just one example of the company’s growth, Peerfit recently partnered with Alex Lee, Inc., parent company of supermarket chain Lowes Foods and wholesaler Merchants Distributors LLL, to provide worksite wellness for the company’s 10,000 employees in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Read more about the deal in Progressive Grocer, a prominent industry news outlet, and in the Triad Business Journal.