How do you create a data-driven social media strategy?

How do you create a data-driven social media strategy?

Creating a social media strategy requires an understanding of key audiences, ever-evolving social media algorithms and engaging content. B2 Communications takes a data-driven approach to creating social media strategies, as each company's goals and audiences are distinctly different. Data makes the difference for a social media strategy that performs.

Regional economic driver Port Tampa Bay wanted to take a more strategic approach to their social media channels, and hired B2 Communications. The Port was interested in creating a social media strategy that supported its business goals and communicated the Port's economic impact to key stakeholders.

B2 social media strategy informed key audiences about Port happenings, educated on its value propositions and engaged key partners. Through social media, the Port would raise awareness of its role in the region's economy and highlight opportunities to work with additional shippers.

With B2's guidance, the Port identified Facebook and LinkedIn as the two primary channels for focused effort.


B2 took a data-driven approach to creating the social media strategy. It started by conducting a social media audit to compile the data points, industry best practices, audience insights and channel best practices that would serve as the foundation for the Port’s social media strategy.

First, B2 evaluated Port Tampa Bay’s Facebook and LinkedIn channels to determine the audience makeup of each channel and identify the types of content most likely to engage its followers. B2 conducted an analysis of the previous six months of content. This social media audit established trends and data points across key metrics such as impressions/reach, engagement and click through rate.

To establish industry norms, B2 researched the social media tactics that other Port Authorities and travel/transportation organizations used. From the research, B2 compiled a range of examples and best practices that were effective in reaching similar audience types. Then B2 added social media best practices that drive success.

After the research was complete, B2 presented the findings for input by internal audiences, including the marketing and business development teams. This input was vitally important for the social media strategy to be successful.


B2 took the Port’s available resources into consideration and created a practical social strategy. The strategy considered the needs and desires of the Port’s key audiences, which led to greater engagement rates and overall success. On average, Port Tampa Bay sees 15% engagement per quarter on its key platforms, far exceeding platform norms.

In addition, the social media strategy included a content plan that the Port's communications team could maintain and use to reach the business goals.

As part of its strategy, B2 created an analytics dashboard to track social performance. The dashboard measures key performance indicators (KPIs) to quickly identify trends in performance data for each of the social channels. The dashboard also references the benchmarks set during the social media audit, which can show growth.

With this data, the Port can quickly see what content is performing well. Each quarter, the Port can use the analytics dashboard to make adjustments and optimizations to the strategy and content plan.